Project “For better future” is going…

5.10.2015 has started new project "For better future", which is financed by Zamestnanecky charitativni fond of Citi. Project will be finished in  December with the  Charitable Christmas Bazaar, its gain will be given to women, who has attended the course.


The first project just started

2.10.2015. The project Self-defence for women has already started. On tuesday, 29th September 2015, women attended course of Law minimum, which was leaded by manager of Jablunkov Police, Mgr. Marek Sikora. Participants have learned teoretic basis of Law with practical examples, they also found out when and how they can use necessary defence and when they can behave as in extreme emergency but still not to be prosecuted. On Thursday, they continued with the practical training under COMO - 3 GYM - Khru of Martin Vanka and Martina Botyanszka. Training was connected with the explanation of real situation, which can happen.…


Course Self-defence for women was succesfully…

29. 10. 2015. The first course implemented by EDLiT Human o.p.s. "Self-defence for women" was succesfully finished. In all, 14 participants has completed this course. You can find detailed information how the course was going on here: projects. We would like to thank to all participants and lecturing team for excellent cooperation and to the organization COMO 3-gym for the realization of the practical part of the course. We would like also to thank Mrs. Jarmila Morcinkova, who supported this project by 300 ,- czech crowns. We are very happy with the success of this course and are already looking forward for…


We help women to return back…

15.9.2015. Next project is dedicated to women, who got into a difficult life situation and are not able to find a job. This project is funding by Zamestnanecky charitativni fond of Citi. Within this project we can offer to  these women education in four fields: motivation program, financial + computer literacy and career guidance. You can see more information on the page projects. The application form and time schedule will be there soon.

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