About us

The EDLiT Human o. p. s. Company was founded in 2014 by an educational company EDLiT s.r.o. and its purpose is non-specific beneficial activities focused on:

  • rise of education among citizens
  • finding solutions to the employment situation, including helping groups of people that are alianated to get opportunities for jobs, people who are in danger of losing their job, people who are applying for a job and/or are preparing to change their job (women after their maternity leave, long-term unemployed, people with disabilities, people older than 50 y.o., people with a not good enough qualification, people who are taking care of a family member..)
  • lifelong learning programes, educational activities a social programes for everyone who needs it, broad spectrum of scientific fields and more, including couses on everyday use of technology, and finances
  • preparation and organization of retraining
  • doing consulting in the fields of  social studies and personal growth, career and psychological consulting
  • preparation and execution of projects funded by the EU


International projects:

In this moment, we are realising our 4th journey abroad of young unemployed people at ages of 18 to 30 where they will be for 2 months for practical training. Our young clients were gathering their experience in Warszawa, Szczecin and Palermu. Another group of clients just ended their practical training in Košice. Next year (in 2022) there will be another journey. This time to Gdańsk.

We are planning to go abroad with our execution team next year so we can gatter new knowledge, learn how to work with various target groups and most importantly start working with people abroad in the field of adult education.

At the same time, we are open to international cooperation with organizations that engage in similar activities as our company.

Other activities:

  • providing services for families and households
  • prevention of pathological phenomena
  • support of the gender politics
  • addressing domestic and gender-based violence
  • educational activities in the basic standards of health knowledge
  • operation of children’s groups
  • operation of micro nursery (micro day care)








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